Professional Ice Damn Removal
An ice removal company that doesn’t feel slippery.
There is no shortage of hammers and hatchets or shady operations that advertise themselves as ice removal specialists. Green Horizons uses steamers to replace dangerous ice build-up with unwavering peace of mind. Our ice control specialists are properly trained and equipped to remove the threat of harm to home and limb without inflicting damage on your property.
Prevent Ice (and Anxiety) Build-up
Immediately plowing snowfall from driveways and blowing and shoveling sidewalks clean is the best way to prevent ice buildup underfoot. At your request, Green Horizons ice control experts will coordinate some or all of the services needed to reduce the likelihood of ice damming.
We like to start out every relationship on firm footing. Get all of the cold, hard facts on Green Horizons de-icing services and how our professionals protect your home and your health from the perils of winter.
For more information or to receive a free estimate, click here or call 952.939.0155.